I visited the store with my parents today. I took a long time to choose a bag, which caused a strong irritation of the seller. The seller behaved arrogantly and was outraged that she had to fix the bags after us (isn't that her direct responsibility?)and she offered to hand us the bags herself so that we wouldn't touch them on the shelves. We refused and she stood dissatisfied and glared at us. We bought the bag, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained. The bags in the store are expensive, and the quality of service is worse than in the market.
My favorite and adored store, I handed over 2 bags for replacement, and they do it for free, zippers, everything was done, replaced, thank you my dear, I told everyone about it to my family and friends
We buy handbags for mother-in-law and wife only here, we specially come from the Bryansk region.
Excellent sellers: they will prompt, advise, puncture holes in the belt, even if you did not buy it here ;)