I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the head physician of the 9th maternity hospital, Ulugbek Utkurovich, for his professionalism, sensitivity and attention shown to me during and after childbirth.
Ulugbek Utkurovich is not just an experienced doctor, but also a real person who knows how to support and instill confidence in his patients. He was always in touch, answered all my questions, explained in detail all the stages of childbirth.
Thanks to his professionalism, the well-coordinated work of the entire maternity hospital team and my childbirth, which passed without complications, my healthy baby was born!
Ulugbek Utkurovich is a doctor who can be trusted 100%. He is not only an excellent specialist, but also a sensitive person who sincerely cares about his patients.
I recommend that all expectant mothers who want to give birth in the 9th maternity hospital choose Ulugbek Utkurovich as their doctor!
Joyi tinchligi zor lekin doktorlari uncha ham yetarli tajribaga ega emas sababi oddiy ko'z yara bilan yiringlagan yarani ham farqlay olishmas ekan issigiz chiqsa doriga soatlab yoq bolib ketishadi davleniya o'lchab qoyishliginiku aytmasayam bo'ladi ularni ishi tugashini kutasiz hullas faqat joy yaxshi xolos