For parents, every student should earn the university and get the most up-to-date information. Nowadays, learning English has become a necessity. However, as a parent, I do not recommend this place. Because here, parents are notified if students don't show up to class three times in a row, but no one cares if they Decamp three times a month. Students make promises, but they don't fulfill their promises, they don't even think about it.
If a student does not attend classes, at least parents should be notified. My child started classes here in September. In November, Maftuna passed to the teacher and reported a very positive opinion about him. However, unfortunately, this idea remained in the air.
November September (November-Maftuna ), today until March 19, no list or feedback was given about which courses the student has taken, what subjects he has learned, how much progress he has made in which subjects, what percentage of success he has achieved. There is silence about how much a student has improved a subject. Unfortunately, there is such a lack and this situation is unacceptable.
If you are responsible for a student's education, you must definitely fulfill the commitments you have made in writing. This is both an ethical and professional requirement.
Для родителей важно, чтобы каждый студент поступил в университет и получал актуальную информацию. В наше время изучение английского языка стало необходимостью. Однако, как родитель, я не рекомендую это место. Здесь, если ученик три раза подряд не приходит на занятия, родителей уведомляют, но если он пропустит три занятия в месяц, это никого не волнует. Ученики обещают, но не выполняют свои обещания, даже не задумываются об этом.
Если студент не посещает занятия, по крайней мере, необходимо уведомить родителей. Мой ребенок начал учиться здесь в сентябре. In November, he moved on to the Maftune teacher and gave a very positive review about her. Однако, к сожалению, это мнение осталось без последствий.
С сентября (ноября-Мафтуна) по сегодняшний день, 23 марта, не было предоставлено никакого списка или обратной связи о том, какие предметы изучал студент, какие темы прошел, насколько он продвинулся и какой процент успеха достиг. Полное молчание в этом вопросе. К сожалению, такая проблема существует, и это неприемлемо.
Если вы берете на себя ответственность за обучение студентов, то должны выполнять свои обязательства так, как указано в ваших обещаниях. Это и этическое, и профессиональное требование.
Ota-onas are a talaba university kirishi va en so'nggi ma'lumotlari olishi juda muhim. Hozirgi kunda english tilini o'rganish esa shart bo'lib qoldi. Ammo ota-don't give him this joyni advice in your mind. Chunki in this place agar o'quvchi ketma-ket uch marta darsga kelmasa, ota-onaga xabar beriladi, lekin oyiga uch marta qatnashmasa, hech kimning ishi yo'q. March, March, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march, march. O'quvchilar was berishadi in va, lekin was bajarmaydi in va, hatto this haq was o'ylashmaydi ham.
Agar talaba darslarga qatnashmasa, hech bo'lmaganda ota-onasiga xabar berilishi kerak. Mening, I assumed, blew up the sentabr vote darslari in this place. Noyabr oyida Maftuna ustozga o'tdi va u haqida juda yaxshi reported fikr. Afsuski, this idea is amalga oshmay qoldi.
Sentyabr (Noyabrdan-Maftuna Ustoz) boshlab, today March 23, talabas o'rgandi the fans of qanday, qanday mavzularni o'tdi, o'zini qanchalik rivojlandiri qaysi mavzuda, muvaffaqiyat foizi qanday ekani haqida hech qanday ro'yxat yoki hisobot berilli. In this borada to'liq sukunat hukmron. Afsuski, bunday muammo bor va bu qabul qilib bo'lmaydigan holat.
Agar you o'quvchilarning ta'limi uchun mas'ul bo'lsangiz, yozma ravishda bergan va'dalaringizni bajara olishingiz kerak. This is nafaqat axloqiy, balki professional mas'uliyat.
One of the good training cents. There are disadvantages, of course, but in principle it is better than many other training centers. I especially like that there is an individual approach.