A very good massage salon. The air conditioner is working, even too well. All massage therapists are qualified.
Thai massage 200 baht. This is a massage in pants and a blouse. Without oil!
You should know that Thai massage is hard, it's done in pants and a T-shirt, they will be given out on the spot.
The massage here is fabulous! Everything that hurt went away. My husband's lower back finally cracked in the pelvis, no way the osteopath could even crack it.
Each time, the masseur pushes the clamps deeper and finds new ones, sometimes in unexpected places.
The day before yesterday, I literally cried at a Thai massage, I was crushed by a man. But after this massage, my lower back went away! That's the paradox. I thought I wouldn't get up, but no, everything is fine!
Oil massage 300 butts is already how we used to massage. But it's also done in their techniques-amazing!!!! This is a therapeutic massage. We did 10 sessions, went daily. My back felt great at the end of my vacation!!!!
All kinds of other types such as gold, scarlet massage, etc. differ only in the cream that will be applied to you, the technique will be the same everywhere.
Thai is a mix of yoga, stretching, osteopathy and massage.
Buttery oil-mash and crunch in butter too.
Foot foot massage for an hour kneads the legs up to the knee and at the end of the shoulders and head. He's also worth 200 baht here.
I am very happy!
If you want a more aesthetic place, and are willing to pay more for 50-100 baht, then next to the Long Beach hotel (there are no bracelets there, go boldly) in the high-rise building, go past the reception, then to the right and down the stairs, past the toilets and directly into the passage to the beach, there will be a massage parlor. But it's better to make an appointment there in advance. It's more aesthetically pleasing and quiet there. There's a Thai 300, an oil 350 or like 400.
Gorgeous!!! A whole hour of relaxation, everyone is extremely polite, smiling, after the massage they covered with a blanket, gave delicious tea. It's just great, I flew.🤭🔥👍