Martin store, Pruzhany city. A large store and a large selection. Sellers are fearless people and can politely send, the store near the fruit is usually dirty, baskets and carts need to be searched around the hall (if they are needed), or you can not say. There is a lot of delay . Well, it's a good store!
No matter how you enter this store, very often the goods with dairy products and sausages are near the counter, there is no one who would put them in refrigerators, how much they cost in a warm room is not known.
There's trouble with cash registers too, pay attention to the appearance of your cashiers
A certain Novel at the checkout has a very superficial idea of politeness. I have not given out a book of comments and suggestions. He refused to call someone older. At least he didn't send it.
There is a delay, be careful!!! Sellers are rude to each other. And even with the buyer, it's not a shame to swear at each other.
See original · Русский
Level 7 Local Expert
December 26, 2024
Everything is very sad.Although there are many products in the store, the timing leaves much to be desired. Running mice from rack to rack is generally a cringe!!!Well, the lack of personnel is, of course, a huge disadvantage.
Saturday evening. There are two cash desks!
The queue to the meat department.
When asked to invite more Cashiers, they replied that they simply did not!
The store has a huge area, 2 employees are discussing!
As a result, the time spent at the checkout is 28 minutes.
An ordinary grocery store, but there are not enough goods, empty counters, and prices are not very encouraging. In general, it will do. But it could have been done better.
No offense, but:
There are many shortcomings!....
((Often the price on the price tag does not match the one punched at the checkout, while at the checkout they refuse to punch at the price that is on the price tag ..... Often there is a delay, sometimes baby food!!! (((And so, a normal store
Martin!!!! Mary's are all the same, constant discounts on sausage, there are a lot of things, especially like all sorts of little things for children (sweets) there are few stores in which such a choice
This store will teach you how to check the expiration date even on chips, not to mention dairy, confectionery and other goods. This disadvantage covers even a large selection of goods. There are many ticket offices, but most often one works. The only plus is a large parking lot.
I've been to this particular tukhlopriton 5 times. You know. I will say this in this place they do not know the word politeness and the authorities turn a blind eye to non-compliance, the administrator said that they had a check and they were told that everything was fine with them. But when I showed them that they had a lot of delays, they told me that they were told that they had a non-compliance, but the authorities told them that they were satisfied with everything. I will not say yet which ones came to them, but I can say for sure that I will come to them again and then it will be a complete blowout. They also told me, well, in the prince and that's it. Like, I can't take them off and the store guys read the laws. There is no such article where I want and whom I want. Yes, the authorities. So there's a lot of rotten stuff here. Never take a lot of rotten fish from the fish department. In a pastry shop, the same moment is often in fruits with mold.
See original
Дмитрий Суббота
Level 4 Local Expert
February 25
There are simply an incredible number of delays, there are goods that are up to six months overdue, prices are not relabeled for several months, although the price has changed several times.
A normal store, we were passing through on a motorcycle, the guard suggested a tastier vodka, for which special thanks))) we were there once , so I don 't know how it always is , but in this case everything was fine with us 😉🤘
An ordinary market. It's no different from the rest. It doesn't have any special feature of its own. Prices cannot be called low. Everything is cheaper in the same Crown. It is impossible to determine the prices of small goods. For example, you will not be able to find out the price of a specific pack of oil. There are a lot of price tags, it's difficult to find something.