Today we escaped from the Borovoye sanatorium to Vitebsk to the Slavyansky Bazaar. The city is heartily celebrating, decorated and fragrant, welcoming as always. We definitely visit the Bravo store, Marko on Tolstoy, 5. With good reason, my wife and I believe that these are the most stylish shops in the shoe capital Vitebsk. And today this high brand of professionalism has been confirmed by highly qualified employees of the store and simply charming girls: Chernyakhovskaya Gulchehra Maksudovna and Starikovich Natalia Vyacheslavovna. My wife and I were very pleased with the purchase of stylish and comfortable shoe models. Thanks to the employees who give positive emotions. We believe that their professionalism has been noted by the management, to whom we are very grateful for the professional training of employees..
Sincerely, Colonel m/s retired, Professor Gabrielyan A.S. and Doctor of Economics, Professor Roshchina O.E.