A good store (even though it is morally outdated, in need of repair), the choice of shoes pleases, frequent promotions and discounts. It is especially convenient to choose models on the website and come to the store to try on and immediately purchase. But!!! When you contact the seller, they leave with a dissatisfied look to look for the right pair of shoes, because they are not on display. And in order to ask something, you need to apologize to the seller for distracting them from talking about "pickles - jams" and other things. Not everyone is like that, but most are.
Clean, cozy, smiling, helpful sellers. There is not a large assortment of shoes in large sizes, but there is plenty to choose from.In the market with an abundance of 46-47 sizes, it is problematic, and the quality is questionable.
High-quality goods, good leather, reasonable prices, service and staff deserve praise! It's a pity that we don't have such stores in St. Petersburg!(This company!!!)
A completely disgusting store. Dear shoes that are not wearable. There seems to be a guarantee, but there doesn't seem to be one. It is simply unrealistic to return the shoes. By marriage, of course, it was refused. 260 rubles for the wind. Thank you, Marco. I will never buy anything from you again.
It is very sad that the store has not changed for so many years, as well as the assortment. Most of the models are already obsolete. Consultants greet customers very unfriendly. I would still like to pay attention to the service.
A great store, very charming, not intrusive sellers. Very pleasant coolness inside the store. A good assortment of goods, I bought myself excellent leather flip-flops. I recommend.
A store where you always have to wait or, in general, constantly look for dissatisfied sellers to give out the second of the pair. And there's not much choice.
I always buy shoes here. It doesn't come apart here, but some dubious brands have been selected for sports shoes.. It would be better if everyone just called Marco and didn't sweat it
Good choice, nice prices. Sellers will always help and tell you. There are often promotions and discounts, although with such quality and regular prices are good.
A wonderful store with regular promotions, high-quality shoes, discounts. I would like to thank the staff. Shoes are diverse for different customers, premium behind glass, budget on the shelves.
In the center, but a little away from large shopping facilities, the only branded store of this brand, limited choice for some sizes, there is no separate parking
See original
Anonymous review
September 26, 2019
The store itself is not bad. Clean, neat. The staff is good..and there seem to be a lot of shoes... But the choice is very sad. I understand that the store itself is not to blame for this. As they say, "what we brought, we sell" children's shoes are good... But the female one, I'm sorry, is a grandmother's house. Compared to Marco's stores in big cities, for some reason this one is not favored by the choice! Do you really think that women in Polotsk are not worthy of walking in your beautiful shoes?
High-quality shoes, which performed well in the conditions of the Siberian winter, withstood frosts up to -50. The store has discount cards, seasonal discounts and promotions. We got into one of these promotions and bought shoes with discounts of 50-70%. I recommend.
This time the service was not very good, maybe there were too many people or the situation was nervous, but the previous times the seller was more polite.