Hello. I want to warn MF clothing buyers with my review. You and the manufacturer may have different ideas about the quality of the product. On 6.11.2024, a jumper was bought. On 8.11.2024, the child asked to wash it (he soiled it on his back, leaning against the wall of the entrance). After examining the jumper, I decided to soak it in cold water before washing. I didn't have time to use any detergent! The result of finding a jumper in the water in the photo. These are clothes! And nowhere was it indicated that it could not be washed. And such a defect was revealed when soaking in water. The buyer can't check it in the store. The Claims Department: "the deviations provided in the product are not manufacturing defects." And I inform this department: "The selection of dyes and coloring takes place in production! My family's other clothes have not acquired such a defect from either water or washing products, only yours. " The quality is disposable. This was the first and last purchase in MF.
A great store with home clothes. It's cozy and warm to walk in, even in winter. I bought pajamas, socks, etc. This summer. I still wear it and I'm happy.
In the store, I encountered rude behavior at the checkout, and I left an extremely unpleasant impression. And then it turned out that this was the main seller (or whatever position the managers have in the field) and moreover, she was rude not only to me, but also to other sellers, and no one could tell her anything, apparently because of her position.