This store is nearly university then students often come to buy. But unfortunately, the price between auto payment machine and price on the marks of Mariara aren't same. One time I came to ask the staff, he told me that true price then he laugh on me with one woman staff, they speak their language. It looks customer is idiot, then when at home i check the bill, the price weren't same, i came back the day fater and said to him. He said he knew and no apologize from store. Yeah!
And today, I saw price of noodles chicken is different again, then I asked staff (he is standing there for job), then he come to show me, i said, i know but the marks is written "chicken", he tried to hide the words.
I know that is not his fault but and he should not cover it.
Well, hope the store can make price is same between auto payment machine and marks.
And stop laughing on customers. We bought and paid by our money, not beg for free.
Вернувшись с дачных работ в ноябре и посетив этот магазин был приятно уд ивлён переменами. Торговый зал показался просторнее, сэкономили место для аптечного пункта, поставили автомат саморасчета за купленные товары. Всё хорошо, но...
Зал загромажден коробками, полетами с товарами! Проходы узкие, побираешься с трудом, выход к автомату саморасчета перекрыт. Тележки стоят в беспорядке, не пользуются спросом. С ними не пройдёшь ! В зале работает один кассир! Понятно, нет работников! Может необходимо определить время для разгрузки и наведения порядка в зале, закрывать на время магазин?!