I have an old hard worker of 2 generations. It was necessary to make a collapse- convergence. Wherever he called, the phone was not picked up. The last place is Rimbat. After 2 days they answered))) I thought that Marie did not deal with these ancient units. But no- from today to tomorrow we recorded and did it! Respect and respect! And the money is normal. I'm ripping off the sticker of the Move...t
Repairs are fast and high-quality, but it is impossible to finish with it, only one position was made, then the next day another story, well, that is, if the suspension repair is done, then you can tell that another node needs repair!! We just examined the whole car in the service, and they gave us a printout of the malfunctions, then we left the service and drove 400 km, the front wheel was replaced (ate the outer part), really it's not to say that we urgently need to make a collapse??? Iveko Marie is no longer the same
I arrived for the second time, a disgusting attitude, in the office to pay and place an order, you need to wait a long time, there is no one sitting and waiting, wasting your time. My work is also so - so . Space prices , I do not advise .
I am glad that I have become a client of Iveco! I hope they won't let you down) so far there are no complaints. The work is performed normally (in Belarusian). The service of the center itself is convenient for the client. The waiting room, the restrooms are great! Of the bonuses, board games and coffee (wonderful)! The master receptionists are more than adequate! In general, all the staff is friendly and tries their best.
Good specialized service, the guys know what they are doing, there is a rest room for drivers, free coffee, of course there is not enough space, but in general it is normal.
It's very bad and insulting. I thought the officials, the problems are not global, but only the prices are from the officials. The problems have remained, but there is no money). Yes, and problems have also been added (the fastening of the drawer was torn off).
It is very difficult to get through, the price tags are too high, somehow
the brains were stitched to make the cruise work, as a result it only works up to 4 gears, and then the cruise does not respond to 5th and 6th gear,
There is no rest room, only a TV and WiFi and that which works every other time, all that remains is to sit all day and wait , there are no complaints about the staff, polite people know their job, in short, pleasant to communicate with, but the rest room leaves much to be desired)))) do not judge strictly, I say it as it is))))
A service where the most terrible locksmiths work, how do they even hire such people... I would never entrust the maintenance of my car to such people.
And it's also an official. Iveco service (((