I have an old hard worker of 2 generations. It was necessary to make a collapse- convergence. Wherever he called, the phone was not picked up. The last place is Rimbat. After 2 days they answered))) I thought that Marie did not deal with these ancient units. But no- from today to tomorrow we recorded and did it! Respect and respect! And the money is normal. I'm ripping off the sticker of the Move...t
Repairs are fast and high-quality, but it is impossible to finish with it, only one position was made, then the next day another story, well, that is, if the suspension repair is done, then you can tell that another node needs repair!! We just examined the whole car in the service, and they gave us a printout of the malfunctions, then we left the service and drove 400 km, the front wheel was replaced (ate the outer part), really it's not to say that we urgently need to make a collapse??? Iveko Marie is no longer the same