I express my great gratitude to the entire Department of orthopedics! Head. department to Tuimebayev Zhanibek Bazarbaevich, a surgeon with golden hands. Anaesthetist Sagandykov Jean Datzhanovich. All nurses and nurses. For qualified medical care, for attention, professional approach, for perfect cleanliness and silence in the department.
I got to the intensive care unit of the regional hospital in a semi-conscious state, in ten days a whole team of doctors (I will deliberately not specify the last names so as not to offend someone) did a miracle, professionals in their field, they brought me back to life, taught me to breathe on my own. After that, they transferred the same professional medical workers to the intensive care unit, where the staff, no less persistently, in addition to continuing treatment, taught simple things for the layman, to eat, drink, breathe properly, walk, go to the toilet, etc. and this is all day in, day out, the whole team. Leaving the main entrance of the hospital, I looked with my feet and prayed for all those doctors, and this is a large team. God grant them happiness in the house.
The wayward patient Tamakulov Oleg Igorevich. I was lying from 09.05.24-06.06.24