A great place, both for lovers of sweets, and just to have a snack. Meringue roll is unsurpassed in taste! We ordered a second round. Just blow your head off. Very reasonable prices. The further away from the border with Russia, the more Christian the prices are. We highly recommend it! Cozy and delicious!
The search for a cozy cafe in Sukhumi brought me here. The cakes were pleasing to the eye, but I decided to take a healthy breakfast . Egg Benedict with salmon and green smoothie. To have enough energy to explore the city 😁
Everything is delicious
The place is atmospheric. I recommend
I especially liked the sociable and friendly staff
The coffee shop is great, of course. The choice of cakes is huge. Napoleon is out of competition, I haven't eaten anything so delicious anywhere. The cakes can be viewed in the window, the only bad thing is that they are not signed. They chose one in the window, but they didn't guess it from the menu, so they were a little upset. The pieces are not small, after 1 serving you will be full. I recommend you to visit.