As for me, this is the most terrible branch of macro in Tashkent! The staff at the factory does not know Russian. The treatment of customers is terrible, the staff is always offended by something. There are a lot of expired goods. Be especially careful with pastries (of any type). according to the employees themselves, even in the summer, the shelf life of their baking is 3 months, and the fact that it is moldy is bullshit, you need to look from the other side and take it. As soon as you make a remark to them about this, as soon as the children begin to arise. In short, I wish you the speedy closure of this particular branch. With hatred, your former customer.
The service is not very good, we have already tried products at the wrong prices several times, they do not hang prices and do not change them on time, they cannot make a refund with payment by xumo card