There are no complaints about the products and prices in the store. There is a claim to the management and to the sellers! Only highly self-confident sellers and/or bosses can afford to disregard customers! It's not the first time I've been there because of the product.I don't live that close. Snow, ice, a child by the hand + a school backpack on the shoulder weighing 7 kg. I was going to be stingy. During the purchase process, it turns out that there is nothing to carry, and they do not have packages. Hand on heart, they never happen there at all and I always hear the excuse "over." But I asked anyway, you never know, maybe they have already appeared. To which the seller replied to me dryly saying no and that's it. I ask- how do you think I should carry the purchase? To which she offers to load the child (whom I hold by the hand on the street because of the ice!) I understand that this is not an option, I'm trying to come up with something, I'm already getting upset (out loud) I ask, well, how is it? Why are there no packages all the time? To which she simply turned away and asked through clenched teeth, "what else?" I said there was a lot more, but I couldn't take it away. Here she gives out "well, we don't have packages now, imagine this happens too!" I couldn't find anything to say to her in response, because I see that the person is not interested in sales and buyers. She doesn't care about anything.Therefore, when you are going to visit this place, arm yourself with string bags, bags, wheelbarrows or move to live closer to the kiosk so that you can run away a couple more times if you suddenly forgot the package.