Prices are 2 times more expensive for goods. The assortment is not the best, but it cannot be called that there is nothing there. Due to the fact that many goods are piled up, who knows where and at least how to enter between the shelves is impossible. Visually, it seems that all this good will either fall on you or you will crush it under your feet by accident. If one customer goes inside, the second one needs to wait outside until the first customer comes out. Due to the fact that many goods are simply piled up God knows where sometimes (or often) there are overdue or damaged goods. In addition, instead of handing over, they often use the tricky 80/20 method if you need to pay less than 2000 soums in change. They give one 500 sum coin or 4-6 pieces of 200 sum coins and pay the rest with a kurt, candy, matches or chewing gum). Sometimes the wrong amount is announced. It happens that you read the packages, look at the prices, typing all the purchase prices into the calculator, calculating the total amount and are glad that you have enough money, but alas, another amount is announced to you at the checkout. And they always have one excuse for claims: it's just that the goods were recently delivered and we didn't have time to change the prices. Seriously?! This store is not worth buying anything other than water. Because the prices for water and drinks are not specified and you need to take the water to the cashier to ask the price and then make a purchase. A Store Full of Disappointments