I ordered acne and doors, asked for good ones so that there would be no problems, I needed an office pen-they said without a problem, they picked up a pen. The doors were installed. When the position was open, the mouse immediately hit the sealing gum and tore it.If the key in the lock is turned horizontally, then it is not possible to open the door-the key rests against the frame.I was told, it turns out, it was impossible to put an office handle on such a door at all!Question: Why didn't the seller know this and why was it made at the factory? A month later, the doors started to move, they stopped closing, the adjusters from the factory arrived -they regulated it for a long time, they did something...The seller promised to adjust the doors and change the sealing rubber even after the warranty period. Now it's over and so are the promises.Sellers are not competent, I strongly do NOT recommend contacting them!!!!!!!!!They are also rude!!!!!