The store is very clean, the sellers will always help in choosing any products, it's nice, there are more such stores and a blog gift to all those who work
The store has been overhauled. Now it is beautiful, comfortable, clean, bright. The goods are always in abundance, the prices are about the same as everywhere else. In general, everything is great, a great store.
The photo is old, now renovated, the store is partially self-service (except sausage, alcohol and confectionery weighing). There is a department of household goods, which is "+". However, after rebrading, it got better. You can enter with pleasure, not with fear, but go out with purchases. The assortment is good.
There are also nice sellers ) but there is a but . Dear Lexus!!! As I understand it, responsible or whatever you call it!!! PLEASE LOOK AT THE MIRRORS!! People have launched monkeys into space, but you can't control the car
Credit for repairs, but for everything else ........
As they say : can leave the village, but you can take the village away from yourself....... Well, you know.