Промывание небных миндалин с помощью аппарата тонзиллит ММ
Аппарат "Тонзиллор - ММ" (Тонзиллор) предназначен для консервативного и хирургического лечения заболеваний лор-органов путем воздействия энергией низкочастотных ультразвуковых кол ебаний и вакуумом на пораженные биоткани как через жидкие лекарствен...
A wonderful doctor, a professional in his field. He performed surgery to correct the nasal septum. Dryly, briefly, strictly to the point. The attitude towards patients is beyond praise!
A great doctor! An ENT surgeon. He knows perfectly well and does his job. I recommend him to all my friends and no one has yet left dissatisfied with his work.
The Romantics doctor is a very good specialist, a professional.The only wish is to somehow establish a connection with the doctor.It's almost impossible to get through.It is clear that he is busy with patients, but we need to solve this issue somehow.