On 18.01.2025, I had to visit the store due to the return of an unsuitable product. And I was shocked that they couldn't make a refund to my card, saying that they didn't have any money in the cash register. Promising to call me back and tell me when you can come and arrange a refund. When I returned in the evening of the same day, I heard so many unpleasant words that I didn't need to buy so much to return it later. And the seller's vocabulary, to put it mildly, completely killed me, because she talked to me in an inappropriate way. It's not enough to say that I'll never look into this store, I'll just be able to share my unpleasant impressions of visiting it with everyone. I only regret that I did not leave a complaint, feeling sorry for the seller. I hope after this review they will have a preventive conversation with her about how to communicate with customers!