Repair sevices:pre-trip inspection, a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, plastic bumper repairs, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, running gear repair, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, nozzle cleaning, fuel injector cleaning, gearbox repair, repair injectors, repair of drive shafts, repair of fuel system, automotive electronics repair, protective anti-grit film, repair of car radiators, shock absorber repair, pneumatic system repair, RKPP repair, removal of catalysts, restoration of levers, clutch repair, repair of autonomous heaters, spare parts and accessories to order, noise insulation, airbags, installing additional equipment, turbocharger repair, DSG repair, engine endoscopy, de-coking, hydrogen cleaning of the engine, repair of the catalyst, groove of the brake discs, repair of power steering
Заехал к Ребятам в Сервис на Замену подвески , тормозных дисков , и замена всех Тех-Жидкостей , работу выполнили в указанный срок , все сдали аккуратно , чисто , качественно, Сервисом доволен , Рекомендую 👍🏻