Цифровой слуховой аппарат для любой тяжести потери слуха. Несмотря на низкую стоимость имеет возможность индивидуальной настройки и обеспечивает хорошую разборчивость речи.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Sergeevna Strelchenok, the doctor of the ENT center. Ekaterina Sergeevna showed high professionalism and care, I have never had such a thorough examination anywhere else! My long-standing problem was solved in two visits, although I have repeatedly contacted doctors before, I recommend this doctor and the ENT center.
Attentive and courteous staff, competent doctors who listened to me carefully, interviewed me, examined me and gave me detailed recommendations. I will definitely contact this center in the future!
Today I turned to this center for help, the child is a student, the parents are 300 km away, I asked them to take my daughter for an examination, the child's nose is pinched, his ears are very sore and his eyes hurt very much. She explained the situation, said that the parents live 200 km away, there is no way to come, begged to take the child for examination, to which she received a categorical NO, and did not agree to any persuasion. It's a great opportunity to help children in a difficult situation.