A very good clinic. Polite and courteous staff. The doctors are all literate. The team is selected with perspective. There is nothing to complain about. Great respect and victories to the management of the clinic and especially to the head of the best Dr. Almalyk -Askar.I recommend this clinic.
I came to take tests, thank you, the staff is very polite and speaks Russian more or less, the prices are of course relative, as everywhere else, what I liked most was when the analysis was not ready on time, then the analysis response was sent to telegram personally for this special thanks
Judayam sifatsiz xizmat korsatishadi. Doktorlarga bir Marta kirsayiz keyinchalik axvolni tushuntirish uchun Tel qilmoqchi bolsamgiz umuman telni kotarishmaydi chunki har bir narsani aytish uchun pul ishlashni xoxlahadi.