*Батарейный блок Geekvape B60 Mod
*Картридж Geekvape B60 Pod (5 мл/2 мл для TPD)
*Инструмент для испарителей
*Кабель USB Type-C
*Испаритель Geekvape B Series Coil 0.2Ω 50~58W (установлен)
*Испаритель Geekvape B Series Coil 0.6Ω 15~25W (запасной)
164.99 Br
ВЕЙП "GeekVape Aegis Hero 2(H45)
*Аккумулятор: 1400мАч
*Зарядка: USB Type-C, 5В/2А
*Мощность: 5-45Вт
*Режимы: Power/Bypass
*Дисплей: 0,96″ TFT
*Рабочее сопротивление: 0,1-2Ω
*Вместительность: 4мл
*Испарители: B Series Coil (0.4Ω, 0.6Ω)
I want to express my gratitude to this shop, thank you so much for opening in our town!
I had to go to Brest all the time, and here I am right next to my house!
We came in yesterday, a large selection of liquids, under the systems, good prices. very friendly staff, helped to make a choice. Thank you again very much, you are very welcome!