D.Small Gayans. This is the dump that was left by the tree-cutting workers in the fall. All this is near the road, on the Main Street. There is no reaction to contacting the housing and communal services by phone from the executive committee.
Having traveled 40 km from Minsk to Logoisk on the day and time of the reception of citizens, you are suddenly not allowed into the building at the entrance. The security guard motivates this by the fact that, first of all, you see, I have to call the right office on the internal phone and ask if I can go through to get the information I need from them.... and as a result, in a dialogue with the guard, it turns out that the right official may not be in place, since he left somewhere in the morning.. to my question, what does it mean that you LEFT?! The answer was colossal!, "actually, he may be on the spot, he just could have come in from the back entrance."
Where did I come to anyway?! To a secure facility? Where do I need a pass? or to a State Organization?! And the question for officials is - do you work at all or are you away on your own business?