Stay away from these "experts". It started with little things that did not alert - the administrator persistently suggested an inconvenient time, although at first the possible limits were outlined. The "Center" turned out to be in the apartment, having entered, the light was not on. I met a speech therapist, turned on the light. The son first looked at the toys below, then began to reach for those that lay on the upper shelves and were inaccessible to small children, stood on tiptoe - the "doctor" began to ask about neurology, began to inquire if there were problems during childbirth, tone, whether massages were prescribed - yes, it turns out, this is not normal. This means that you need to study twice a week for a year, and the answer to the question of what problems you diagnose is that you just need to go to a speech therapist. She did not provide any materials for the lesson, nor did she work with her son, nor did she give recommendations.