We liked everything, it was clean, they accepted us quickly at the counter, and we were guided where to go. We attended an initial consultation with a pediatrician and a pediatrician. O.A. Zhuk was delighted with the pediatrician, an intelligent and very attentive pediatrician, she found a common theme and approach with the child.... Thank you very much to her!!!
According to the orthopedist, Maximchik S.I. was with him in the morning, the whole examination took place very quickly (as for me, I undressed and dressed my son longer than the examination and conversation with the doctor took place), it was felt that the doctor was in a hurry (he jumped out of the office after us, closed everything and "flew away" down the corridor... Let's just say that I like to discuss, to be more specific or something...instead of getting a piece of paper "for pennies" with a standard list of template recommendations...in which only the patient's name was changed.... Let's just say that the reception is normal and not normal, there are two feelings...
A good center. I don't know what else to say. My son and I from Minsk went here to see otolaryngologist Magomadov. We were satisfied with the center, the prices, the staff, and especially the doctor. It's great that there are still such specialists in our country. It's a pity that there aren't many of them.
I had an appointment with Kim's neurologist Ilya Evgenievich, who prescribed prescription pills with an addictive dosage, but he did not warn me about this and I felt sick until I stopped drinking them, he prescribed a dosage of 150 mg 1 tab. 2 times a day, when such a dosage can be taken only once a day, and 2 times twice, you can take only 50 mg. And money was also paid for this procedure!!!
Next, he wrote out an MRI referral for me and I went to the registry office with this referral to find out the price, so they told me that the PRICE TODAY IS 192 RUBLES!!!
In the evening I went to the website and it was written there that the price for the one I needed The MRI is 132 rubles, and when they got a call the next day, they said that the price was already 145 rubles, how is that even?
That is, the people sitting at the reception somehow set prices themselves?!
And then put money in their pockets?
I didn't believe Lode's reviews until I was convinced that lode was the worst hospital, they were taking money from people as much as they could, and if I had overdosed taking such a large dose of pills further What then?
And if I had come for an MRI scan for 192 rubles, which allegedly costs 145 rubles later, would the registry have taken some of the money for itself?!
It's a disgrace!!!!!