The best sportswear store that wins in terms of Price Ratio/The quality is even among the European brands of sportswear and accessories sold on the local market. Always comfortable shoes for every taste and color, as well as a professional sales team that quickly processes my requests. I advise all sports fans to take their clothes here.
I ask the Li-Ning brand to carefully select staff, including: managers and consultants to work and study their communication manners and respect for customers, as well as the Uzbek Language. Living in Uzbekistan, do not require the client not to speak Uzbek, how can I accept this? Who are you to require a client not to speak their native language??? Are you serious? I will and have every right to speak the language I want.
And now about the case: we bought several tracksuits, one of them, namely, a T-shirt, turned out to have a defect. More precisely, the holes. We wanted to change or get the money back. Naturally, this is not a pleasant moment to return the goods, but we also pay a lot of money and want a high-quality product. As a result, the goods were exchanged for another with a dissatisfied face, as if we had come to get things from them for free. At this rate, you will lose customers. If you serve only Russian speakers well and require Uzbeks to speak Russian.
Biz Uzbekizonda yashayapmiz va she tilimizga bulgan behurmatlikka zhim karab tura almaymiz. Bu talabimni inobatga olishingizni kutib kolaman.
P.S. Makhsulot 07/25.24 sanada Amir Temur kuchasidagi Li-ning dukonidan olingan. Va 26.07.24 da almashtirilib berildi. Rasmlarini ham joylashtirdim.
I bought clothes and running shoes. The quality is super. I enjoy running. The sneakers are light and comfortable. About the staff. I clearly didn't get enough attention. Apparently they were trained not to approach. It's OK. But then it's worth watching the reaction of buyers. If the buyer starts to consider and look at the sizes, it is worth offering help 🙏
A great store. I shop here all the time. The prices are quite low, despite the fact that the design and quality are not inferior to world brands. The staff is competent and friendly.
PS. This is the only place in Tashkent where I could find winter sports gloves)
Cool store. High-quality things. The consultants are professionals. The bomb action just bought one pair of sneakers and gave 2 more pairs as a gift, I was very happy😊