Баня-сауна отделана древесиной, имеется небольшой бассейн-купель с холодной водой, уютная комната для отдыха и бильярд. Рядом с баней крытая беседка со стационарным мангалом.
Вместимость бани - до 10 человек.
There could be so many interesting things there if they looked after it, looked after it and were engaged, as well as abandoned houses, an abandoned dance floor, an abandoned library, toilets, a bar that works, then not, as well as a dining room, there is a good place with a barbecue and a gazebo, but only one thing, the beach is good, clean, and so to go enjoy the forest, nature and swim is the most
From a campsite with a lot of people and a lack of places in the season, there are only memories. The summer houses are abandoned and almost overgrown, the dining room does not work, closed buildings overgrown with bushes and moss remain from the club and library.
There is an incomprehensible enclosure from the fence on the beach, apparently a paddock, but it is dirty and no one swims in it, only the entrance to the water from the shore has decreased, but the rental point still works
There is a photo. She is a boat and one catamaran -10 r per hour
I was in the security service on the tenth bixlet in the second rapid response patrol, everything was calm and fun, it was amazing to see how filigree everyone knows how to drive motorcycles, there were interesting groups, including a cover band a la Ramstein