It is difficult to order a bouquet from another country - they can easily deceive and slip an illiquid. But that wasn't the case with this store. I ordered bouquets several times through the online store of this salon - the recipients were always satisfied, the flowers came very fresh. Moreover, through the messenger they advise me which flowers are better, fresher, they do not hide, if something is wrong, they offer to wait for a new delivery, Then they send me a photo of the bouquet and show what happened. Thank you very much for your work.
The child was buying a flower for his mother. We contacted this store for the first time, because the location is convenient for us.
I asked to pick up a fresh rose, to which the seller confirmed that the flower was fresher than fresh. We bought it at 19 o'clock, in the morning at 9 it had already wilted.
The next day, another shift was working. We were recommended to prune another stem and change the vase. It didn't help.
The surprise is ruined.
I've already bought several bouquets. In autumn, I bought a sunflower, and also collected bouquets of different flowers for myself. I was satisfied with the price and service.
The last bouquet was purchased in winter. There were no complaints.
I bought the girl roses, they wilted in a day. I came to the store the next day to find out what the reason was, the answer was simple: "you are to blame, you cut it incorrectly or did not pour them water"
Always fresh flowers at pleasant prices. Friendly florists. If desired, you can place an order on the website with pickup from the store. I needed 15 branches of lilies, ordered in advance 2 weeks in advance. The freshest ones have been brought! Thanks!
They promised flower delivery. We agreed in advance, 3 days in advance. The day before, they refused without explanation. "It's not working," they said.