Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
900 ₸100 g
Универсальный гарнир с легким ароматом и нейтральным вкусом
An excellent institution with very tasty cuisine, fresh beer alive for 550 tenge for July 2023. Polite and attentive staff, which is not a little important. The cozy summer playground is small. Of course, there are a lot of flies flying, but this is the case everywhere in Almaty. Korean cuisine is straight on a solid four. The kebabs are excellent, juicy. I especially liked the duck and mutton. Everything is fresh. The prices are the best offer. Price, quality, as they say. Cheap and angry. Well done!
We passed by with our family after an evening walk and decided to go to this cafe and were very satisfied, good service, pleasant atmosphere, food and prices are very tasty. The contingent was mostly family with children. Definitely recommend it!
It used to taste better, the kitchen has deteriorated. In the salad, the chicken was fried, the vegetables were coarsely chopped, and the crackers were mega small, the kebab was soft, but something was missing in the marinade.And onions for kebabs used to be very tasty.And so a cozy family cafe.The hosts are super kind and open people 🥰