I have been watching the development of the store since its opening (on the first day, by the way, you were given a Jets bar for any purchase))
there used to be a small assortment and went there mainly for some sweets and so on (which were always enough and the assortment was much more interesting than in many chain stores, although prices for standard products were higher than in the neighbors / Eureka, etc.)
It helped a lot that the store used to work until 11, because the neighbors closed at 10 and we often did not have time to get there)
Two years after the opening, I can't help but rejoice at the success of the owner, since this is no longer the only such store in Lebyazhye
The assortment has become much wider, there are even more products that you often do not find in regular stores, all new items such as cocktails top, chips with some new flavors, first of all I go to look here :)
I still remember a pleasant moment well:when the store opened, for the first six months the owner herself worked there almost on a daily basis, and the young man and I periodically left some comments or suggestions for the purchase of certain sweets and were always heard) it was always very pleasant to receive such attention from the hostess
Now the store is open until 12, it always saves me, since I work until 11 and you won't go to any store in the area anymore
In addition, I myself often choose to come here, for all the above reasons
Thanks to the employees and the hostess, we wish you success 😊