1 pcs.Профессиональное парение от наших пар-мастеров откроет вам мир иной, правильной бани! Вы окунётесь в мир блаженства и неги! Сможете переключиться от суеты, отвлечся от повседневных тревожностей и напитаться силой!
A great place, reasonable prices for good service, awesome herbal tea and polite staff. A neat billiard table, a nice steam room and a relaxation room.
I really liked everything, the sauna is large, delicious herbal tea, dishes, a gorgeous relaxation room, the water in the pool is warm, we will walk more, an excellent administrator.
The ratings are clearly overstated, the room is shoddy, requires investments.
It's cold in the corridors, they don't give you slippers, as well as towels. The steam room is cold, you either have to fill the stones with water, which makes it impossible to stay, or just sit in a warm room on the floor. The pool is not warm! It's rather not icy just.
A tight three for the money. 4900 rubles in 2.5 hours
The rest is questionable, definitely not for connoisseurs of a good couple