WATTSAN 0503 идеально подойдет для производства печатей, шильд, промышленных прокладок, сувениров или магнитов. Среди отличительных особенностей станка можно выделить ручной подъемный стол, который необходим для обработки объемных изделий (например,
7106 Br
Модель WATTSAN 6090 LT имеет рабочее поле 900×600 мм и глубину опускания рабочего стола 160 мм. Станок имеет сквозной стол, который представляет собой открывающуюся заднюю крышку станка. Если ее снять, можно обрабатывать на станке материалы любой дли
We bought a milling machine for production. Most importantly, it has an aspiration system that keeps the room clean. The machine was delivered, the engineers installed and configured the equipment. Thanks!
I have been working with this company for several years now. I can mention them as a reliable supplier of tools and equipment. I would like to mention separately the combination of price and quality of the equipment, the professionalism of the staff and the prompt delivery of metalworking tools.
For the first time, a small batch of laser machines were bought here for work. Everything was processed quickly, and everything was sent to us quickly. Received in proper quality, we will cooperate with the company on larger purchases.