A good assortment. The lover of any level, variety and income will find his choice of beer here. From the usual Belarusian and imported lager, pissner and wheat, through the IPA and stout of several good producers, to gose and honey. Bartender -level. He's not annoying, but he'll help you with any question. The audience is always peculiar. But friendly and friendly
I came by today, the bartender was normal and advised me to feel better. The man there was inadequate, he extorted everything, and he spoke against the Russians. If you were in Russia, they would have fixed your knee...And so happy New year
The seller just does the job silently. They asked for advice. He says he doesn't know anything. As a result, we bought 3 different types. At home, it turned out that one was overdue, and the second was on the way. The horror is just