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3390 ₸1 pcs.
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990 ₸1 pcs.
2590 ₸1 pcs.
сет LF (40 шт) + пицца Куриная
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8990 ₸1 pcs.
сет МНОГО СЕМГИ (32 шт)
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7790 ₸1 pcs.
сет ЮЖНЫЙ (32 шт) + пицца Маргарита
Южный ролл
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7090 ₸1 pcs.
сет КЛАССИКА (32 шт) + пицца 4 сезона
Цезарь ролл Филадельфия с креветками Острый ролл с крабом Саке маки Пицца 4 сезона
Delightfully. A huge menu, everything is always there, inexpensive, tasty, varied. It works around the clock, it is serviced quickly. The portions are just huge, 1.5 servings of pita bread is a serious lunch. I recommend it!
I was there once, passing through. I saw it and decided to have lunch. )) I liked everything very much: fast, delicious, reasonable prices, polite and helpful staff. Just a remark to some. In pursuit of a long ruble, you go head over heels, pushing away your colleagues: you want to earn money - and others also want to get more money. I witnessed such a scene and it became unpleasant for me, so I paid for the order to the guy through the QR code I approached, and did not go to the girl who said that the payment by card was only on her computer.
For the first time in Astana, we wandered in for lunch. An unexpectedly pleasant place, very tasty! The interior is minimalistic, but the food is wonderful. We are on a diet, a paleoprotocol, but we have found everything we need, and with a spark! Even the beetroot salad surprised me. Desserts look tempting, but unfortunately we can't, but it's a pity...