В старину египтяне назвали город «Уасет». Греки назвали его «стовратными Фивами». Приглашаем посетить это историческое чудо в нашей компании! Цена в долл
45 LE1 pcs.
Дайвинг в Хургаде
Из экзотики в Египте самая интересная - это конечно дайвинг в великолепных водах Египта. Красное море входит в десятку самых интересных мест для дайвинга в мире. Наш дайвцентр это: дайвинг для новичков и опытных дайверов, обучение с яхт. Цена в долл
15 LE
Дайвинг в Шарм-Эль-Шейхе
Окунуться в подводный мир, увидеть кораллы, растения и рыб самых причудливых видов — это дайвинг в Шарм-Эль-Шейхе. Заказать поездку недорого стоит, даже если прежде вы не плавали под водой и не знаете, как дышать. Научим! Цена в долл.
20 LE
Обучение дайвингу в Хургаде
Станьте полностью квалифицированным водолазом в открытой воде всего за три дня. Наслаждайтесь опытом, приключениями и острыми ощущениями рекреационного дайвинга в Красном море и приобретите международно признанный сертификат. Цена в долл.
320 LE
Аренда яхты
Яхта на весь день для проведения праздников: дни рождения, памятные даты, просто чудный день в компании друзей! Примете участие в разработке маршрута: дельфины, острова, дайвинг, рыбалка - с нами все возможно!
For the first time in Hurghada, I chose LampaTur for a trip to Luxor as part of a mini group. And indeed there was a mini-group - only 4 people, a comfortable mini bus with an attentive and careful driver. This is very important when the journey is almost 10 hours (5 in one direction and 5 in the other). A good guide in Luxor, told and answered all our questions.
Lunch is very decent, buffet, there is both fish and meat. Drinks are paid - so take as much water as possible at this time of the year - because it's hot. Almost all the sights are under the sun.
Everything was on time and without delay, the guide and the driver saw that it was hard for us in such a heat and adjusted to us, offering options for what to see first and then.
According to the saturation of the tour, it was enough, we looked at all the most important things, but we did not overwork ourselves.
The cost is also pleasant compared to similar offers from other tour operators.
Thank you very much LampaTur! I recommend.
We took an excursion to the island of Magavish with an individual yacht. They quickly helped to decide, provided transport and a yacht on time. We were heartily fed, everything was very tasty. We had a photographer with us who took a huge number of photos and underwater videos. It is very convenient that payment is possible on the card of Russian banks. We were satisfied, a great tour, a gorgeous island, helpful staff! Thanks! We recommend it!
We were in Hurghada for the first time. We took excursions from the Lamp tour. We were very worried about safety, as news about overturned buses is frequent. We took excursions to Cairo and Luxor. We were driven super well. The drivers did not exceed the speed limit of 100 km. H. There were no checkers and overtaking. When it got dark, the driver showed the advance with a high beam. And there were 2 drivers in Cairo at all. I am grateful to the driver Mahmoud and Ramadan for the safety of driving and the trip. I would like to thank Mohamed and Valentin separately. I asked a lot of questions, they always answered me in the chat, and even in Hurghada they met with us to agree on everything in detail. So, if you, like me, want to book a tour strongly in advance, you can safely take it on a lamp tour.
Take a liter of water per person and a hat with you, be sure to cover your shoulders.