Показания к ELOS-омоложению
1. Неровности рельефа кожи
2. Повышенная жирность и расширенные поры
3. Тусклый цвет лица
4. Пигментные пятна
5. Акне и постакне
6. Морщины, обвисание овала
450 ₾
Карбоновый пилинг
Процедура с лазером и углеродным гелем очищает и омолаживает кожу, борется с акне, расширенными порами, пигментацией и морщинами. Состоит из двух этапов: нанесение карбонового геля и лазерное воздейтсвие для сияющей кожи и уменьшения пор.
150 ₾
RF-лифтинг лица
Выполняется для предотвращения возрастных изменений.
Спектр решаемых проблем включает:
1. Мимические морщины на лбу, переносице, возле рта
2. Носогубные складки
3. Фотостарение
4. Гравитационный птоз
5. Второй подбородок, брыли
6. Мешки под г...
I really like this salon. It was difficult to find an Alexandrite laser in all of Batumi, but here it is. There was always a polite receptionist. Special thanks to Master Victoria! I've been to her for laser hair removal several times. Everything is always high-quality and fast. Online recording is a separate plus. The prices are average and quite affordable. Thank you 🫶
For the first time I did a manicure in Batumi, I blindly chose a salon - the one that is closer. As a result, I am very happy. Nice cozy interior, no problems with online recording. Master Tiko is amazing, she did everything very carefully, quickly, without any discomfort, as is usually the case with a new master. I highly recommend it.
Thank you very much to all the employees of the LamereL Beauty Center salon for their good, attentive attitude to customers. After visiting Batumi on vacation, I decided to visit this salon, as I was advised by his friend, who was also there. And I didn't regret a bit. I did waxing and manicure. I really liked the skill of the girls and the wonderful, kind attitude towards the Russians. Such good-natured, attentive professionals are not always found. I was very pleased. I will definitely visit this salon upon arrival in Batumi. Girls, you are the BEST!!!