LADA Niva Legend входит в число самых легендарных автомобилей мира, вызывающих восхищение миллионов людей.
34080 Br
Granta Liftback
Народный автомобиль стал ярче и привлекательнее: новая Granta получила черты современной ДНК стиля LADA.
32800 Br
Новый Largus Cross
Семейный, любимый, вместительный LADA Largus стал еще удобней. Теплее зимой, эффективней в городе, тише и комфортней на шоссе.
59150 Br
Niva Travel
LADA Niva Travel — автомобиль, идеально приспособленный и для покорения природы, и для ежедневны х городских поездок.
43050 Br
Vesta SW
LADA Vesta вместителен и удобен, при этом особое внимание уделено акустическому комфорту. Конструкция шасси объединяет плавность хода, проходимость и азартную управляемость.
Good afternoon. I would like to express my gratitude to the specialist Sergey Kruglov. Sergey processed my application on the website very quickly and consulted me by phone. He showed everything very clearly and told me about the terms of purchase of the car. A pleasant bonus was the provision of a discount on the day of the conclusion of the contract, special thanks to Artem Belokuzov for the approval. The specialists of this center are quickly and efficiently guided by the requests and wishes of customers. I heartily recommend visiting the salon.
I liked it very much. The guys are working on the result. They picked up a typewriter for me according to all my needs and abilities. Special thanks to manager Evgeny, support "from and to". I listened to all the wishes, selected the most profitable options! Moreover, even after receiving the car, when passing the TO-0, I received support and felt interested in how satisfied I was with the purchase
It's all good...polite staff
Excellent service, fast and kind of high-quality (I haven't had to redo it yet)
The only disadvantages are the price (expensive), and the lack of the possibility of being present at the diagnosis ...
Despite the formal "authorization" by law and the need to provide access to the owner, they are trying to keep the client away...