Bir tiyinga qimmat joy. Analizla haqida ma'lumot olishga birinchi kun kirdik. Qulay narxlar taklif qilishdi. Ertasi kuni esa topshirgani chiqdik. Umuman qon topshirilgandan keyin boshqa narxlar aytishdi. To'ladik. Ammo juda noaniq tushunarsiz va rasvo qilib chiqarishdi javoblarni. Terapevt vrachga olib borganimizda daje vrach gemoglabin korsatilgan joyidan boshqasiga yaxshi tushunmadi. Qandli diabet ko'rsatgichi 00,0 deb chiqarilgan. Aslida diabet bn qiynaladila oyim. Umuman tavsiya qimiman. Javobiyam juda kech chiqadi. Qon shu yerda topshiriladi. Laboratoriya esa shaxarni boshqa chetida. Reception da o'tiradigan qiz o'quvi yo'q. Oq varoq tejayman deb shriftni o'ziyam 8 da chiqazib berdi. Judayam mayda o'qishga noqulay. Ikkita punkt ko'rinmay ham qolgan qog'ozda. Bunaqa rasvo xizmat ko'rsatish faqat shu GEMOTEST da bo'lsa kerak. Juda afsus qildik boshqa joyga bormaganimizga 🤮😡😡😡👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
They took an analysis for a very long time, tied it up with a bandage, and after half an hour I passed the analysis at the other clinic. The next day, the result on the arm is a bruise after taking the analysis of the hemotest worker, there is no bruise on the other hand, where the employee of the other clinic took the analysis
A huge disadvantage is that the employee incorrectly entered my phone number and the answer does not come to the phone, to get an answer you need to go to the clinic, which is open until 14:30. I will not recommend this clinic to anyone I know.