Предлагаем Вам на выбор три вида healthy каш на миндальном молоке: киноа, кус-кус или овсяная
2180 ₸
Йогурт с домашней гранолой, малиновым пюре и абрикосом
2140 ₸
Йогурт с семенами чиа, пюре манго и киви
2140 ₸
Йогурт rafe с ягодами
Фирменный полезный и сытный завтрак на основе свежего 5% творога, нежного сыра Маскарпоне, сметаны, и ягод. Творог - один из самых полезных кисломолочных продуктов.
1870 ₸
Круассан с джемом и теплым шоколадом
Круассан готовится из слоеное теста по францускому рецепту на основе сливочного масла. Подается джем и теплый шоколад
1540 ₸
Круассан с сыром
С сыром
780 ₸
Круассан с шоколадом
С шоколадом
780 ₸
Круассан готовится из слоеное теста по францускому рецепту на основе сливочного масла.
We went to this place for dinner. We ordered pasta, pizza, beef soup in a bread roll, two non-alcoholic cocktails. The quality of the food was extremely satisfied, everything is delicious, the portions are large. I was especially pleased with the pizza on a very thin dough. The person's work also proved to be on top. Everyone was polite, quick, and promptly transferred us to the next table when they realized that there was not enough space at ours). The place itself is clean, the restrooms are in order. I definitely recommend it. The entire check for two without alcohol came out at 13,000.
Cozy atmosphere, polite staff, the order was delivered quickly. But the kitchen let me down a little. I ordered a medallion, the meat is a little dry and a little harsh.
We didn't get to dessert, it turned out that the place is open until 23.00
Look, I haven't been there, but the name speaks for itself. If the title can't be read, then that's cool. And what kind of cuisine, atmosphere, drinks and music are secondary. The main thing is that people at the entrance are already shocked by the number of letters on the sign