The main state property of the city of Karshi is here and hakimiyat and next to the largest green zone
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Гуля Широва
Level 9 Local Expert
October 28, 2022
The center of the city of Karshi, it is beautiful here and everything is within walking distance of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets , attractions, a park for hiking and how is it here without a big Christmas tree every New year.. It's a perfect place for meetings and walks..
Not when it doesn't work exactly, although they stand in the center of the city, and so the chimes would look beautiful and everything would be OK
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Nurbek Abdijalilov
Level 11 Local Expert
September 2, 2024
Qarshi shahrining markazida joylashgan. Yon atrofida qarshi shahar hokimiyati va turli savdo majmualari mavjud. Qarshi shahri deyishganda ko’z oldimga birinchi shu soat keladi.
The city center of Karshi Chimes is pride and splendor. Make your appointments near them. Both convenient and beautiful ! The main thing is to come to the meeting on time. Be as accurate as the Karshi Chimes!
The nice and beautiful city of Karshi is cheap. I recommend visiting the local markets, everything is always fresh there and they give you a taste before you buy!
The Chimes are a place worth visiting at least once. The battle is heard every 3 hours. And the most exciting of course is at 12 o'clock at night. The sound is very loud-but not annoying. The area around the chimes is clean and beautiful. I recommend
Karshi is a hospitable and very beautiful city in itself. Because this is my city. The cuisine here is not excellent, everyone loves meat here and that's why they cook very tasty here. 👍👍👍👍👍