Professionals in their field. High-quality. They delve into the essence and offer their solutions. Different price range, various materials. Not just the kitchens. I ordered a closet in the bedroom and a desk. I used to make a special chest of drawers for my size
I ordered a closet for the bedroom from Literally the next day, the sketch was ready. Thanks to Alexander for his help and advice when choosing materials and filling my closet. Needless to say, I was absolutely delighted after the installation? Everything from the color to the arrangement of the shelves and drawers was done perfectly to meet my needs. And now, in connection with the move, I needed a closet again. There was no doubt, I knew exactly what I would order from Soika.kitchens, and no distance between cities stopped me. I already have a new closet and it's a one hundred percent hit again!
Thank you again for your customer focus and professionalism! I will order more and more!!!
We went to consult about the furniture project in the apartment, painted it together with the designer.
The staff turned out to be very friendly, they told and showed everything. The materials were selected.
The price turned out to be especially pleasant, thank you very much!!!