In the "nine", people who are insanely tired of the bestial attitude towards them, from being forgotten, work.
Nevertheless, they treat, sympathize, nurse and do not sleep. Eternal gratitude, respect and honor to YOU, doctors!
A disaster!
20 years ago there was a wonderful medical institution. To date, this is a horror.With the exception of a few talented doctors, there is a solid mass of soulless medical workers who have absolutely no knowledge, let alone skills. The intensive care unit is especially striking, where people are treated as expendable. And if your relative who got into this department had a chance to survive, you need to pay 600 UAH per day and buy a set of medicines for the department. At the same time, the "doctors" working there are not shy in their expressions and perform their functions by 5 percent.
And in general, everything is paid in all departments: tests, examinations, medicines, and doctors are stupid in all respects!!!
I hope that one day this once super-hospital will regain its "face"!