1 m³химчистка ковров проводится профессиональным оборудованием и химическими средствами. после чистки ковёр высохнет за 3 - 6 часов. минимальная заявка от 15 кв.м
16000 сўм
Чистка ковров
1 m³Чистка ковров проводится в 4 этапа профессиональным оборудованием и химическими средствами.
14000 сўм
Чистка ковров
1 m³Доставим ковер чистым и сухим в течение 24 часа
I had to turn to them, because they did not have time to go to other places in any way.
Alas, I regret that we were in such a hurry! Sand pours from all carpets after cleaning! They took it back for a good cleaning because everything is not done for free and it is not right to deceive customers!
They say they cleaned it, but they bring home white carpets, gray horror!
Before contacting them, it is better to look around and choose something else!
Or you will have to carry the carpets back 2 or even 3 times to work with a conscience!
And then you see they are used to what our people say (hey hi kui, we have such washing, etc.)!
Men 4 yildan beri faqat shu korxonaga gilamlarimni ishonaman. Chunki doim toza va sifatli yuvadilar, xatto qishdaxam 1 kunda yuvib tozalab berganlar. Ishlarizga omad.