It's a beautiful place, the restoration is interesting. Magnificent view from the observation tower. But most of all I liked how you can conduct an interesting tour almost from scratch! The tour was conducted in the most beautiful Belarusian language, simple and understandable, the young man's speech flowed absolutely naturally. It will be great when the reconstruction is over. But even so, there is something to see in Krevo: a beautiful church, an Orthodox church opposite and a senagoga that has not yet been restored nearby. The central square is well made and the stands are excellent
With information about what to see nearby. This encourages you to continue your journey!
A great option for those who are interested in our history. We were met by a very friendly guide, took us around the castle, told us a lot and showed us a lot! By the way, I told you everything on the white move, definitely like it! 🖤
The restoration is in full swing, so you need to walk carefully, but the restored part looks impressive.
We were also taken to the observation tower, it's generally beautiful there :) But please make a comfortable ascent 😂
The oldest castle in Belarus
Krevo is a small town today, and once it was one of the key points on the map of Europe and a real center of political life. It was here in 1385 that Vytautas and Jagiello signed the Kreva Union.
Kreva Castle was built at the same time as Lida Castle and was part of the defensive line, which was built by Grand Duke Gediminas in the XIV century to protect against the crusaders. This is the same castle-castel — a large stone square — with two towers diagonally. It is believed that this was the first stone castle on the territory of modern Belarus.
During the First World War, the castle was severely damaged. Only ruins remain of it. Restoration work is currently underway here.
In addition to the picturesque ruins, it is worth visiting the local temples in Krevo. They are opposite each other. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Church of Alexander Nevsky.
Pros: the ruins of the castle are easy to find, they are located right by the road, there is a small parking lot nearby. Since there is little left of the castle itself, it is being restored, several walls and gates have been erected. You can only get inside as part of an excursion, which I personally don't like. I like to walk on my own. But in this case it was a plus, the guide was good. A big plus is undoubtedly the beautiful views, which are especially open from the observation deck on Yurieva Mountain
Cons: the main disadvantage for me personally is an old grandmother who sells tickets for the tour. Ruined the mood from the very beginning. She talked arrogantly and boorishly. She said so much that we didn't really understand where to buy tickets right away. And when they asked again, the answer killed, I quote: "Well, of course, why do you think I'm sitting here?" Further it's better, we give the money, and wait for the ticket, nothing happens. The husband asks: "Will you give us a ticket?" The answer is: "And we don't give tickets."😳 I stand in shock. They told me to give at least a receipt for the payment. It is very inconvenient that there is nothing really nearby, no ATM, no elementary coffee to drink. But I can survive all this, but still there should be toilets in such places. He was in the same room where this grandmother is sitting, only on the other side. Of course, no paper and liquid soap😮💨 And when my mother wanted to visit the toilet after the tour, she stood there for 15 minutes, thought she was busy, but her grandmother turned out to have locked it at all, when she went to open it she was still unhappy, and mumbled that it should be paid.
I also really didn't like it, right next to the castle, wasps were flying, judging by their accumulation, they had a nest there right next to the castle, it was scary to walk, first of all, I was afraid for the children.
My conclusion is this, the place is great, it is undoubtedly worth a visit, but the organization and infrastructure there is no, I hope that this will be fixed
We were on an excursion, it is a pity, of course, that such beauty and monumentality has been destroyed and how good it is that everything is gradually being restored and partially restored. Wonderful guide Philip speaks Belarusian, very colorful. The view from the observation tower is incredible. According to the codes, you can see a story about the castle.
Krev Castle is a majestic (yeah, right now) ruin that has only recently begun to be restored. And at one time, the castle controlling the intersection of medieval routes to Europe and the Baltic coast was the pride of Grand Duke Gediminas.
In the 14th century, it was a powerful fort with a long period of autonomy. Drinking water sources, glaciers dug deep into the ground and spacious barns allowed the garrison to hold a siege for up to a year, protected by high thick walls. Try to starve out those who have everything. "I didn't really want to!" thought the Teutons, leaving the castle walls.
Krevo is a place of conspiracies and secrets.
The castle is inextricably linked with the history of Belarus, it was the favorite residence of Algirdas, who fought off Moscow from the Tatar Horde three times. Krevo was a landmark place in the civil wars in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The sad ghost of Prince Keistut still walks here at night... And you will be cheerful here if you were strangled on the orders of your own nephew (Jagiello), and your son, Prince Vitovt, ran away in a woman's dress. By the way, there are two ghosts in the castle: the prince and the lady with the dog. It is unknown who she is.
Here the conditions of the Kreva Union were developed, under the terms of which the Grand Duke of Lithuania became the Polish king.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Tatars managed to take the castle, using Genoese gunners and siege guns. This is the power of technological progress!
By 1510, the castle was restored again.
During the First World War, the castle was shelled by both German and Russian artillery and was almost destroyed.
Partial restoration is currently underway and, most pleasant of all, Kreva Fest, where everyone will find something to their liking.
Руіны Крэўскага замка. Згодна з класічнай версіяй мураваны замак будаваўся падчас княжання Альгерда на месцы старога драўлянага і стаў першым у абарончай лініі супраць крыжакоў. Замак складаўся з дзвух вежаў – Княскай, што выступала за муры сцен і Малой. Ён многа разоў ставаў сведкам вырашальных падзей у гісторыі ВКЛ. У 1382 годзе ў падзямеллі княскай вежы быў задушаны вялікі князь Кейстут на загад яго пляменніка Ягайлы. 14 жніўня 1385 года тут была падпісана Крэўская ўнія, якая злучыла ў дынастычны звяз ВКЛ і Каралеўства Польскае. Кароль Жыгімонт ІІІ Аўгуст аднавіў замак і падараваў яго князю Андрэю Курбскаму. Пазней тут знаходзілася рэзідэнцыя крэўскага старосты. Пасля трэцяга падзела Рэчы Паспалітай і адыхода гэтых зямель у склад Расейскай імперыі пачаўся заняпад замка. Яго паступова разбіралі на цэглу. У часы Першай сусветнай вайны замак стаяў на лініі фронту паміж нямецкімі і расейскімі войскамі. 21 ліпеня 1917 года расейскія войскі падчас артылерыйскай атакі амаль ушчэнт знішчылі муры замка. У 1929 годзе ўлады міжваеннай Польшчы правялі кансервацыю руінаў і ўмацавалі паўночную сцяну контрфорсам. У 1970-80-ых гг замак даследавалі археолагі Алег Трусаў, Міхась Ткачоў і Міхась Чарняўскі. У 2004 годзе студэнты-валанцёры закансервавалі ўваход у Княскую вежу. У 2019-21 гг праводзілася кансервацыя Княскай вежы і частковае аднаўленне прылеглых да яе сценаў. У 2023 годзе кіраўнік археалагічных раскопак Алег Дзярновіч паведаміў, што археолагі адкапалі трэцюю вежу, аб якой раней не было вядома. Верагодна яна была пашкоджана падчас захопу замка Свідрыгайлам у 1433 годзе і болей не аднаўлялася.
It is a historical place, now a large construction site has unfolded here, the castle is being restored and there is no way to get there. But the place is atmospheric, there are a lot of information boards around, and the souvenir seller turns on medieval music, which creates an additional effect of immersion in the past
It is a very beautiful place, we hope the castle will be restored soon, work is actively underway, but already it is very cool to relax there from the hustle and bustle of the city.
The castle is being actively restored, entrance is only through the purchase of an excursion. There is a short one, 15-20 minutes, the cost is 15 rubles, regardless of the number of people in the group. There is an extended one, it costs 30 rubles, it includes a castle and a Yurova mountain. Please note that payment is only in cash. We took a short one, we really liked it. A young man named Pilip showed it to us, an arrow served as a pointer to him: +100 to the atmosphere)
The former ruins were "cultivated". A wall appeared around the entire site, a mesh fence and elements of the construction site. It will probably be interesting someday. In the meantime, there are not many impressions without entertaining stories from a good guide.
I do not advise you to go specifically, but if you are on the route to the Oginsky Estate, then you must visit the Kreva Castle. More Mast have)) behind the Krev castle there is an observation mountain on which there is a wooden building and a swing with a good view, there is a must!!!
The object is under restoration, but it's nice that they are engaged in and this story will live on, to be honest, we were not very impressed, there is an observation tower next to the mound, I recommend going up, the view is interesting
we got on the tour by accident. Respect to the guide!!! Cool! A lot has been done in the castle itself and there are splits. They invite you to volunteer
We were passing through, so we stopped by. In general, it is good that they are starting to restore the architecture of Belarus and appreciate their history. I hope they will do a complete reconstruction in the near future.
The festivals at Kreva Castle are just a bomb! We went on June 15, 2024, great, we need to work a little on everyday issues) And so - I'm waiting for the next one!
The history of our native Belarus. We know a lot about this place, we've heard it since we were at school.
A must-visit! One of the best mysterious castles!
The lock, as written on the inf. the shield is under conservation and restoration. And now it looks powerful and natural. It is good that it has not yet been "smeared" and "updated", as in the restoration of other historical castles. An interesting and, one might say, harmonious place with an amazing history.
Although there are ruins, the grandeur of the structure is still felt. Even the downpour did not spoil the impression of the place. For those who are interested in the history and architecture of bygone years, it is a godsend. It is a pity that reconstruction is not planned, but thank you that there is such a thing
If you want to get to the castle grounds, be sure to enter the green trailer near the parking lot. We had to go back and forth, not knowing this nuance.
The castle is in deep reconstruction. There is still a lot of work to do.
The reconstruction is in full swing. I remember what happened in the late 90s, and the trend is good. The only thing I don't like is that you just can't get into the castle. When there is a tour, it is closed.
It is almost completely restored, it looks very colorful and fascinating.
I recommend it to those who visited it before the restoration. The date of full restoration is November 2024
Приятно видеть, что идут реставрационно-восстановительные работы. Недалеко находится Юрьева гора со сторожевой)/смотровой башней, с видом на замок. Порадовал микроавтобус с сувенирами с интересным ценителем местной истории, причем он так же строит минизамок, чтобы туристы смогли увидеть замок во всей красе, хоть и в уменьшенном виде. Респект
The castle is currently (July 2024) a picturesque ruin in the process of restoration. There is no entrance to the construction site . I want to believe that one day he will join the ranks of magnificent Belarusian castles.
At the restoration-conservation stage. The interior is empty, there are several stands, according to the pictures of which excursions are conducted. Farm buildings and a synagogue have been preserved nearby. There's a souvenir shop across the street. On the contrary, there is a beautiful church on a hill.
The places are getting more interesting every year. On the day of my visit, I did not see any organized tourist groups. There were independent visitors, but there was no queue. If you read about this place in advance, it will be more interesting to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the castle. I wish the castle a rebirth!
We were passing through, the structure captures with its appearance and grandeur of the construction of boulders the size of a car wheel, they also conduct excursions there, but this information needs to be searched on the Internet.
The place is more likely to stop by on the way. Not much remains of the castle - the remains of walls and towers. You can only go inside with a guide. The center of the village itself is quite picturesque, there is a place to walk.
It's a pretty interesting place. If someone wasn't there, then it's worth stopping and taking a look. There are convenient parking lots nearby. I once gave a ride to a guide from this castle. Very interesting stories and legends
This is one of the legendary and mystical places in Belarus!
It is very good that restoration work is underway here.
I think that the residents of Belarus should definitely visit this castle. It is certainly a new building, but on ancient ruins.
Красивое историческое место, которому не хватает какой-то музейной составляющей (экспонаты, интерактив). Экскурсоводы у входа стоят недорого и при этом проводят шикарную экскурсию
We were about 15 years ago and here on 01/20/2024 in the evening passing through. The snowfall is therefore unfortunate, but the scale of the reconstruction work is impressive. The castle is slowly taking shape. There are many information stands, parking, and a recreation area. Unfortunately, there is no backlight in the evening, I hope this will be taken into account in the future
Красивейшие место с богатейшей историей. Нам посчастливилось побывать в этих местах, здесь проводились соревнования.
Развалины крепости, храм, костёл, аисты, деревянные домики и замечательные, приветливые люди. Здесь стоит побывать.
The castle is under restoration. We were in bad weather. They couldn't go inside. We just walked around the walls. I would like to see it again after opening.
There are small fragments of the castle itself, the rest is being completed. Everything is currently under active restoration. It is more interesting to learn about the history of this place than to explore the ruins😅
When you arrive, be ready to see not the castle, but fragments of the castle. These fragments will give you an idea of the construction of defensive fortresses in that distant time. Well, all the political dramas in the struggle for power in these walls and basements, defense, the offensives of various troops, heavy battles, all this will be demonstrated to you by your imagination, based on your knowledge of history. At the moment, restoration is underway, but it is not yet clear who will win, the restovrators-creators or time-destroyer.
It takes a long time to repair it. I wonder if only the guide can tell me something about his past. And so you can make a circle around it and that's it
I've been here twice...The first time was somewhere in 2015 .. It's a depressing sight.
And it was in December 2023.
Kreva Castle is one of the first castles in the territory of Belarus, which was made of stone and brick.
Famous for many events: this is the conclusion of the Kreva Union on 08/14/1385; on July 22, 1917, the Women's Death Battalion received its baptism of fire..