The Titan Tower, believe it or not. There is no road to the fortress itself. It is located in 3 tiers. There is a huge amount of work. Cut steps in the rock. The steps are not suitable for human growth.
One of the best places in the Antalya region. We arrived on Monday morning at around 10 o'clock. There was no one local, so there were no offers to pay for admission. The entrance to the tunnel leading to the fortress was easily found, it is on the path marked on the map immediately after the fork, looks like a grotto. To lift, you need shoes with a tenacious sole and a desire. You need to follow the blue or red arrows on the stones, but there are other ways of passing - they can be guessed from trails without arrows. I categorically do not recommend the third tier to the flag in flat shoes without a tread - you will have to go down on your ass. Parameters for evaluating your strengths in comparison:
- 2 men and one woman over 40.
- without excess weight
- with bad habits
- rise 1 hour and 20 minutes with smoke breaks and admiring the views and the fortress.
- descent takes 35 minutes.
Awesome place. I love places where it is difficult, dangerous, forbidden to walk..but very interesting. You should not go with children. And in general, you need to have not only physical fitness, but also the desire to climb to the very top. There is no hiking trail. First you climb up the huge steps in the tunnel, quite high and heavy. But to the second level, already on the ledges in the rock. There is always a chance to fall down. Well, it's quite dangerous to go to the third level. We arrived at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and climbed about 2 - 2.5 hours. At 5 pm in October, the sun is already setting, so it is advisable to go down by this time. It's hot to climb. Be sure to take water.
The impressions are amazing, the view from above is beautiful. And in general, all along the way, you wonder what good fellows the people who built this fortress are. If you like this kind of vacation, then you are definitely here. We visited many places, fortresses and abandoned cities, but this fortress remained in the memory, and left a lot of positive emotions.