The story is like this (funny)
I contacted the chat for an assessment. I described everything. The thing is new, even sealed, with a receipt from yesterday. I.e., there are zero hidden defects.
They offered 600 rubles (+/- was indicated). Arriving at the place and opening the device (new) for the first time and without examining the device, respectively, they offered 400 rubles.
Now, before you give up, think 1000 times. The new device is 1200r, the cost on the secondary market is about 1000r
600r is quite a normal price for a pawnshop, but 400 is the bottom of course
They didn't sell a working tool. The refund was refused. My husband turned it on and off. I came home and turned it on, it stinks of burning. There are big questions about the professionalism of appraisers, it turns out that they can take a non-working tool to a pawnshop, pretend to check it. Pawnshop on Pushkinskaya Street. I will definitely resolve the issue further if the management and appraisers are negligent in their work
a large selection of used equipment from iPhones to macbooks to tonometers and boats. for the first time I accidentally went in, after that, it happens, I check once a month that there is a new inactive or with minor defects