Две просторные переговорные комнаты, сдаются в почасовую аренду. Для совещаний, переговоров, обучений, мастер-классов и фотосессий
40 Br1 h
Рабочее место в open-space
Коворкинг работает 24/7. Расположен в центре рядом с парковой зоной, в десяти минутах от станции метро Академия наук. Высокоскоростной интеренет, ортопедические стулья, оборудованая зона кухни, доступ в переговорные комнаты
Very cool place. The price corresponds to the quality. Everyone is very friendly. There is a kitchen where you can warm up food, a coffee machine and cookies are freely available. There is also a dining room where you can have lunch at reasonable prices. There is a meeting room, which is included in the subscription price. There is also an MFP if you need to print some documents. I really like.
A great place to work at a good price. There is a lot of free space and a trial day for 15 rubles.
It fits perfectly for work. There is parking for a car, but there is also a tram nearby that goes to the subway. A friendly community.