The Kovcheg Cafe is a wonderful place! I liked it very much. Delicious and inexpensive. I enjoyed the Belarusian dish "Potato grandmother". The cafe is spacious, beautiful and cozy. Stylishly decorated!
The cafe is located in the Kovcheg spiritual and educational center on the territory of the Minsk St. Elizabeth Monastery. I was there during the Christmas Fast and noticed that, in addition to lean dishes, you could also choose meat food. I think that's wise. After all, everyone goes here. Fasting is good and useful for a person who lives the church life; it is one of the elements of the church life. It makes no sense to demand strict observance of all church posts from a person who is far from the Church or someone who is just starting to take the first steps in the Church.
Recently we visited this exhibition and cultural center "Ark" at the St. Elizabeth Monastery. I myself participated a little in the construction and design of the complex about five years ago) Wonderful architecture, spaciousness, beautiful and rich interior. A very pleasant and spiritual place! On the ground floor there is an art gallery, an exhibition of paintings by the famous artist Zhigimont was held. On the second floor there is an excellent spacious fast food restaurant with a large assortment of dishes and drinks. Here in the Ark you will be able to enlighten yourself spiritually, a concert hall will soon be opened and at the same time have a delicious and inexpensive snack! I recommend you to visit, it is especially important that St. Elisavetinsky Monastery is a huge spiritual and educational complex near the center of Minsk, where you can walk, be alone with yourself next to the greatness of Orthodox churches, monasteries, churches and pray!
I'm attaching a photo)
It is a very modern Orthodox center, which has invested a lot of material resources. Everything is well done, thoroughly, aesthetically pleasing, Every detail supports the concept of the ark, a lot of natural wood, ceramics, mosaics. There are cafes with slightly higher budget prices. There is its own theater, a conference hall where famous psychologists give lectures; exhibitions of artists are regularly held on the third floor.
I was struck by the storefronts on the ground floor, in which installations of the life of Jesus were created with modern materials, but without violating the traditions of icon painting. Even an unscrupulous person should see this. This is a truly inspiring center, if not for faith, then for impressions and art.